08 March 2010

Holy Cow, did I let a month sneak by again?

Winter plods on in our little corner of Minnesota. The slush and rain is ugly and grey, but hopefully will precede not so much flooding this spring,
We pulled over on the way home from school to watch a HUGE bald eagle just sitting in a field, hangin' out, minding his eagley business.
Kyle is home from a weekend trip to LA, where he had meetings and training for our job with EF There are so many awesome kids this year, we want to host them all. Instead, we're looking for awesome homes for them. If you'd like to host an exchange student and touch the life of a kid from another country, check out the link or contact me here.
My team goes to regional Knowledge Bowl competition tomorrow, and hopefully on to state from there.
Sorry to be such a poor hostess here. I've got spring fever and I'm itching to clean, putz and plant.
You all keep warm and THINK SPRING!!!


Anonymous said...
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Rachel said...

I am thinking spring, spring, spring!! We are getting thunderstorms today and those just scream SPRING!

Rachel said...

I have never seen a bald eagle in the wild. That must be something to see!

I think spring has sprung here. It's sure been warmer and things are greening up. Some folks are mowing lawns already.

Cliff said...

Yep, my wife just mentioned her disappointment at the forecast for rain on Saturday her only time to start scraching in her garden. Good luck with the team.

Cliff said...

It's almost April and soon time for another post.