01 May 2007

May Day!

So, a moment to catch up, perhaps?

Chronology is out the window here. We'll be time shifting all over the place.

First off, women's retreat was lovely, the drive to Austin was not. There is no real expedient route from the WC part of our fair state to the SC or SE. Many of the US highways have been upgraded to 4-lane; many others have not. Most of the state roads seem to have been planned to get from one US highway to the next. In a nutshell, it took 4 hours to go 150 miles. Yuck. Once there, we had a delightful time. We had a n awesome speaker on words and how we use and abuse them. We also had ample time to hang out and do girly things. I have nail polish on for the first time in, um, I can't remember. The drive home sapped the life from me, and I crashed for a power nap. Rested and renewed, indeed.

Today was mayday, so the Things and I hastily made baskets in the car this morning, and Thing 4 passed them out. May baskets used to be an after-school activity in the neighborhood where I grew up. We'd tape ribbon handles on dixie cups, load 'em with candy and pass 'em out. We never got into the sneaky stuff, we'd usually meet up in a gang outside and trade, then take any extras around. One of the aforementioned girly events was thrift shopping, and I hit a sale and got a whole batch of little wicker baskets for about a dime each. Beats monkeying with tape.
Our after-school hours are monopolized with dance today, so iPastor and I drove (how lazy! but we were hauling putzy little baskets) around the neighborhood to hang them on doorknobs.

Thing 4 was just getting a handle on the "ding dong ditch" methodology.

Sometimes, however, stealth went out the window, such as when the little yardapes were outside.

We took a basket to where the seniors have coffee every day, and he did get "caught" and kissed. He didn't quite know what to make of that. It got the folks buzzing about Maydays past. iPastor says they actually brought little baskets of the dixie cup kind to school much like a Valentine party, and they had a gym teacher who made a big deal of setting up a maypole.

More to come later. iPastor and the Thing have gone off to deliver one more basket and have coffee with friends. I need to get ready for work!


MamaMichelsBabies said...

Well first off, what a bunch of cutie pie's in that picture!

Second off... err... could you explain the baskets? I've never heard of that before... we never did any kind of celebrating on May Day and I suppose I was never curious enough to look into the history of it. I will now!

And I'm glad you enjoyed your retreat, you sounded like you needed the recharge.

Cliff said...

She's alive!
I sat on a tractor in the same field all day and no one broght a basket. We used to do that in our little country school.
I did notice that Marilyn didn't make any that I saw for the grandkids up the lane.
Are your plans any firmer?

KrazyMom said...

I have never heard of leaving the baskets for May Day either. Where have I been? That is a neat idea to brighten someones day!