03 May 2007


Initial reports from Minneapolis Children's are encouraging. The doctors feel Nina's got excellent chances for full recovery. She's got a long road ahead, though. She's already started chemo. If she feels well enough, she can meet her class at the zoo for her field trip Friday. Please keep the prayers going. The family also cares for a disabled grandma at home, and has been doctoring Nina's little sister quite a bit lately as well. I am amazed at their resilience, and their commitment to each other over the past few years' challenges.

Yesterday, our old washer finally died. The poor old thing has been rigged and fiddled with for so long, it finally gave up the ghost. I think we'll have to wait until Sunday to make a trip to Home Depot for a new one. Those folks are foolish enough to give us credit! It means foregoing a new mower this year, but the neighbor already volunteered to do that, as she's scrounging for summer work, so it all works out in the end. It seems he washer always dies when the laundry pile is knee high. As I went to the basement and made the discovery yesterday, I was starting to get that feeling of disgust/dismay at the mess before me, and I stopped and remembered my healthy, noisy, PITA kids. My life is fine. A trip to the laundromat never hurt anyone, and the dryer and clothesline still function perfectly. Thing 3 asked this morning what detergent I used to make her clothes smell so good. Just the sunshine...

Now I suppose I'd better go fold and put away the first batch. Gotta clear a path to put the new washer in.


KrazyMom said...

It sure does put life into perspective, doesn't it! Cancer is such a quiet, scary thing! Praying for Nina and family.

MamaMichelsBabies said...

Childrens is an amazing hospital, my son had surgery there and they were amazing. She's going to do great there and the support help for parents, especially in their cancer area is astounding. I'll still be praying though.

I want a new washer, tell me how you broke yours so I can break mine too. ;)

Carter said...

A couple of things: If your friends have questions about what is happening and want to double check the info they are getting from the hospital they can call 1-800-227-2345. It is a free service from the American Cancer Society and the operators have access to a ton of information. If they prefer reading to conversation then have them check out this page. http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/CRI_2_6x_Children_and_Cancer.asp

Also, the work that is now done with kids and cancer is amazing. Most kids who get cancer survive! So keep the prayers going but also try to be as hopeful as possible.

Finally, I heard an amazing bit of information the other night. The number one indicator of whether or not a person diagnosed with cancer will live or die is whether or not they have health insurance. Isn't that crazy? Turns out people with health insurance get diagnosed much earlier and then get better care than those without insurance.

(So can you tell that my wife works for the American Cancer Society?)

Unknown said...

Everyone is "cautiously optimistic" about her chances for full recovery, but the hard work has just started. They'll be bombarding her this month and if all goes as planned, all the leukemia will be dead by June. Then, it's time to rebuild her immune system and stave off infection until it is.

They are at United Children's, unlike Mpls. Children's as I misunderstood. They have had nothing but wonderful things to say about the staff and facilities at United. When Nina mentioned she wanted to be a scientist, her doctor took her to the lab and let her look at her own cells! They did say the room was little for the whole family, but they had plenty of opportunities to visit playrooms, play yards, etc. to get out of it. They are home for a few days, and the plan is to return once a week for tests and chemo if the tests are good. In the meantime, her grandpa Bob and the guys from church are getting her playhouse finished.