02 September 2006

Off to the races...

Labor Day hijinks ensue! We had been planning to go to Sioux Falls for the Lifelight festival this weekend, but Thing 1's win at the fair altered that a bit. After discussion and negotiation, the Thing insisted that the rest of the family should not miss because of her, so she is going to the fair with G'ma. The rest of us are soon out the door to the other G'ma who lives closer to Sioux Falls, where we will enjoy an abbreviated version of the festival. The abbreviation is more due to the crappy weather than anything. We'll hang with G'ma if its soggy, then venture out into the rain for the headliners. Meanwhile, should Thing 1 win, we'll rocket back across the state to see her in the State Fair grandstand Sunday night. We'll amble back home sometime Sunday or Monday and gear up for the first day of school. I know, dear internet, that you have nothing better to do than wait here for updates, so I will keep posted on developments as I am able.

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