29 July 2008


In typical midwestern Lut'ran fashion, we have been inundated with food. I will soon be fat. This woman has SO many friends and a huge extended family that she loved. She had great nephews and boyfriend's kids, etc, that were closer to her than their own folks. She was an awesome lady. iPastor had a nice post about the situation. We are sad. That's all right.


Cliff said...

I didn't sign in at ipastors but please tell him how touching that was. So very, very nice.

Rachel said...

His post was very touching. Obviously she was a wonderful lady. He is right. He'll see her later!!

Folks really are wonderful to help and bring food or do anything they can during these times. God bless them. You are all in my prayers.

MamaMichelsBabies said...

I'm sorry doesn't seem to cut it. To both you and IPastor, I truly am. Please tell IPastor that what he wrote was beautiful and I am glad both of you have such a faith to comfort right now. That's pretty amazing and she seemed to be as well.
