03 January 2007

Progress report...

The new year is off with a bang on more than one front.
Danny B. is recovering as expected. He's got a bit of discomfort due to bits of his abdomen rearranging themselves to accommodate the now-functioning bladder. All systems are go and just need to heal at this point, and guard for rejection. He should be out of the hospital within a week, but remaining in the Twin Cities with family for six weeks to monitor progress. Thanks for the prayers so far, and please keep 'em coming as he recovers.
The dogs are becoming more comfortable with each passing day. Having both of them has made the process of kenneling so much easier because we have no barking or scratching to get out. They're content to snuggle up and keep each other company. After potties, they have the run of the house for a couple hours, but usually choose to put themselves back before I would.
I have been really concentrating on getting stuff done around the house. All of the retired DJ equipment got dumped in the storeroom with the Christmas stuff, making it nearly impossible to get out. Yesterday I gutted that room, put the DJ equipment in order, then got the Halloween deco put away with plenty of room left for the Christmas stuff, which will come down over the next few days. I got rid of some stuff through Freecycle(tm), girlfriends and the thrift store. I'm am concentrating very hard on not biting off more than I can chew, and taking babysteps with the projects. So far, so good.
Meanwhile, as I putter around the basement, iPastor has been going gangbusters in the studio on the third floor. He's making some cosmetic alterations to set up for more active video production, and getting some more ministry-focused media ready for the site. We have plenty of industrials and family video projects, but he wants to get the other stuff out there in circulation soon. The all-around challenge is going to be living up to the great start this year!


I'm sure I posted this on the old blog, but it's great, and I am jealous of everyone else's Christmas memories. We still have a couple of days before epiphany, so neener on you if you think it's too late for Christmas posting.

Last year, Thing 4 was just getting the hang of talking, and would chatter almost incessantly. As we were sitting for Christmas dinner, he was jabbering away, very insistent about something. I said to him, rather offhandedly, that I wished he would slow down and speak more clearly so I could understand him. Meanwhile, one of his sisters told me from the other side tht she thought he was asking for chocolate in his milk. I turned to look at him; he looked at me very seriously and quite slowly and deliberately said, "Cawk-wit."


With that, I am off to keep up the momentum. Hope your day is filled with cawkwit.

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