10 November 2007


Happy Birthday Bubbie Don!
Damn the Double Nickel.
As could have been predicted last night, I forgot the camera. Oh well. Thing 3 won, Thing 2 nailed her song but was out-cuted by a red-headed dancing boy. Same here, but the cute was an 80-year-old, one-man polka band. He is a charmer, though ; we've known him for years, even having him play in the garden of our little cafe many years ago. I did a quick google just in case, but only found him here
Well, big brother wanted to host his birthday party at a waterpark for the kids. After our trip to the pool/waterpark with him in August, I think he's hooked. Can't check in until three, though, so I'll ride herd here until it's time to leave. With that, i leave you.

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