02 November 2007


Sick. I had the fever and ache a couple of weeks ago, followed by a minor cough and some sniffles. I thought I'd gotten off easy, until it settled into my sinus and throat overnight. I spent most of the night sitting up to blow my nose, then rolling over so the opposite side of my nasal cavity could fill. I actually feel better now that I'm upright. Got the drainage system working with gravity again, I guess.

96 on the poetry test last week. Woot. Took him a while to get through the exams, as he had three classes of tests to do, and just had cataract surgery. No wonder he retires after this semester. We'll miss him, tho. He's a royal hoot, and a true Minnesota voice. Go check Bill out.

After a long week of work, the whole fam damily is home together tonight, so we're off for a family Guitar Hero Marathon! Traditional family values at work!

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